Allgemeine und biologische Psychologie

European Conference on Eye Movements in Wien

21.08.2015|13:39 Uhr

Unser Team beteiligte sich an der 18. ECEM-Tagung in Wien mit folgenden Beiträgen:

  • Ablinger, I., Radach, R., Willmes, K., Silberling V.
    Eye movement based evaluation of a text-level reading intervention for aphasic patients
  • Friede, A., Vorstius, C., Inhoff, A., Radach, R.
    Long range regressive saccades in developing Readers
  • Gregg, J., Radach, R., Inhoff, A.
    Orthographic Similarity and Relative Frequency Influence Competition during Visual Word Identification
  • Günther, T., Peters, K., Scharke, W., Radach, R.
    Mindless reading in children with attention deficit, dyslexia and the comorbid condition
  • Lüttke, T., Kahl, A., Vorstius, C., Radach, R.
    Eye movements and executive control in older adults: Age-related decrease in response inhibition.
  • Radach, R., Reilly, R., Vorstius, C., Inhoff, A.
    Acquisition of information from left of the current fixation in reading.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Lüttke, T., Friede, A., Reilly, R.
    Eye movements of two extremely fast Readers
  • Vorstius, C., Kim, Y., Radach, R.
    Eye movement control in oral vs. silent reading: Evidence from a large sample of very young readers.


[Link ECEM 2015 Website]

[Link Abstract Book]