Allgemeine und biologische Psychologie


Edited Books and Special Issues in Scientific Journals


  • Bulling, A., Huckauf, A., Jain, E., Radach, R. & Weiskopf, D. (Eds.), ETRA '20: Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2-5. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020.
  • Radach, R., Deubel, H., Vorstius, C. & Hofmann, M. J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Eye Movements. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 10 (6), 2017.
  • Reilly, R. & Radach, R. (Eds.). Eye movement studies on Reading in non-Roman scripts. Reading and Writing. An interdisciplinary Journal, 2012.
  • Radach, R., Jacobs, A. M. & Müller, H. J. (Eds.). The language of perception and the perception of language. Psychological Research, 2008.
  • Radach, R., Rayner, K. & Kennedy, A. (Eds). Eye movements and information processing during reading. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2004.
  • Hyona, J., Radach, R. & Deubel, H. (Eds.). The mind's eye: cognitive and applied aspects of eye movements. Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2003.
  • Hyona, J., Munoz, D., Heide, W. & Radach, R. (Eds.). The brain’s eye: neurobiological and clinical aspects of oculomotor research. Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2002.
  • Kennedy, A., Radach, R., Heller, D. & Pynte, J. (Eds). Reading as a Perceptual Process. Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2000.

Recent Journal Articles and Book Chapters


Complete Listing of Publications (peer-reviewed journals)

ResearchGate Profile

2024 (including in press and under review)


  • Sokolovic, L., Hofmann, M. J., Mohammad, N., & Kokolja, J. (2023). Neuropsychological differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia: a systematic review with meta-regressions. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 15,
  • Schwalm, L., & Radach, R. (2023). Parafoveal syntactic processing from word N + 2 during reading:
    the case of gender‑specific German articles. Psychological Research,
  • Lusnig, L., Hofmann, M. J., & Radach, R. (2023). Mindful text comprehension: Meditation training improves reading comprehension of meditation novices. Mindfulness 14 (3), 708-719.
  • Neukirchen, T., Buitkamp, L. F., & Vorstius, C. (2023). Selbst eingeschätzte kognitive Glukosesensitivität: Zusammenhang mit Langzeitblutzuckerspiegel und diabetesbedingter Belastung bei Individuen mit Typ-1-Diabetes. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. DOI:


  • Oster, J., Huang, J., White, B. J., Radach, R., Itti, L., Munozz, D. P. & Wang, Ch.-A. (2022). Pupillary responses to differences in luminance, color and set size. Experimental Brain Research, 240 (6), 1873-1885.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Kleemann, M)., Roelke, A., Vorstius, C. & Radach, R. (2022). Semantic feature activation takes time: longer SOA elicits earlier priming effects during reading. Cognitive Processing.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Remus, S., Biemann, C. & Radach, R. R. (2022). Language models explain word reading times better than empirical predictability. Frontiers in artificial intelligence, 4, 1-20 . DOI:10.3389/frai.2021.730570
  • Neukirchen, T., Stork, M., Hoppe, M. W., & Vorstius, C. (2022). Spirometry has added value over electrodermal activity as a physiological marker of mental load in male subjects. Scientific Reports.
  • Neukirchen, T., Radach, R., & Vorstius, C. (2022). Cognitive glucose sensitivity – proposing a link between cognitive performance and reliance on external glucose uptake. Nutrition and Diabetes.


  • Erbler, M., Neubert, J., Unterrainer, H.-F., & Vorstius, C. (2021). Religiös-spirituelles Befinden und Abhängigkeit bei polytoxikomanen Patienten, Sucht, 67, 143-150,
  • Kim, Y.-S. G., Petscher, Y., Vorstius, C. (2020). The relations of online reading processes (eye movements) with working memory, emergent literacy skills, and reading profiency. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25(4), 351–369.


  • Geissler, G. C., Hofmann, M. J. & Frings, C. (2020, accepted). It's more than Interference: Examining the Neuro-Hemodynamic Correlates of the Flanker Task with functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. The European Journal of Neuroscience.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Kleemann, M. A., Roelke, A., Vorstius, C., & Radach, R. (2020). Decomposing predictability: Semantic feature overlap between words and the dynamics of reading for meaning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10164.
  • Lusnig, L., Radach, R., Mueller C. J., & Hofmann M.J. (2020) Zen meditation neutralizes emotional evaluation, but not implicit affective processing of words. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0229310.
  • Roelke, A., Vorstius, C., Radach, R., & Hofmann, M. J. (2020). Fixation-related NIRS indexes retinotopic occipital processing of parafoveal preview during natural reading. NeuroImage, 215, Article 116823. .


  • Ablinger, I., Friede, A. & Radach, R. (2019). A combined lexical and segmental therapy approach in a participant with pure alexia. Aphasiology 33 (5), 579-605.
  • Inhoff, A. W., Kim, A. & Radach, R. (2019). Regressions during reading. Vision Vision, 3(3), 35 .
  • Kim, Y. S. G., Petscher, Y. & Vorstius, C. (2019). Unpacking eye movements during oral and silent reading and their relations to reading proficiency in beginning readers. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 102-120.
  • Kim, Y. S. G., Petscher, Y. & Vorstius, C. (2019 in press). Unpacking relations between eye movements, working memory, emergent literacy skills, and reading proficiency: Evidence from a longitidunal study. Scietific Studies of Reading.



  • Ablinger, I., Friede, A. & Radach, R. (2018). A combined lexical and segmental therapy approach in a participant with pure alexia. Aphasiology.
  • Bucher, L., Bublak, P., Kerkhoff, G., Geyer, T., Müller, H. J. & Finke, K. (2018). Spatial remapping in visual search: Remapping cues are provided at attended and ignored locations. Acta Psychologica, 190, 103-115 .
  • Heim, St., von Tongeln, F., Hillen, R., Horbach, J., Radach, R. & Günther, T. (2018). Reading without words or target detection? A re-analysis and replication of the Landolt paradigm. Brain structure and function.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Biemann, C., Westbury, C., Murusidze, M., Conrad, M. & Jacobs A. M. (2018). Simple co-occurence statistics in reproducibly predict association ratings. Cognitive Science, 42 (7), 2287-2312. [pdf]
  • Hofmann, M. & Bucher, L. (2018). Abschlussbericht zum BMBF-Verbundprojekt: Altersgerechte Haptik Feedback Elemente auf Basis von Formgedächtnisaktoren: AHA-Feel: Teilprojekt: Psychologische Validierung.
  • Horbach, J., Weber, K., Opolony, F., Scharke, W., Radach, R., Heim, S. & Günther, T. (2018). Performance in sound-symbol learning predicts reading performance three years later. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1716 .
  • Inhoff, A. W., Gregg, J. & Radach, R. (2018). Eye movement programming and reading accuracy. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71 (1), 3-10.
  • Kim, Y-S. G., Vorstius, C. & Radach, R. (2018). Does online comprehension monitoring make a unique contribution to reading comprehension in beginning readers? Evidence from eye movements. Scientific Studies of Reading. [pdf]
  • Rölke, A., Franke, N., Biemann, C., Radach, R., Jacobs, A. M. & Hofmann, M. J. (2018). A novel co-occurance-based approach to predict pure associative and semantic priming. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25 (4), 1488-1493. [pdf]



  • Barnes, A. E., Kim, Y.-S., Tighe, E. L. & Vorstius, C. (2017). Readers in adult basic education: Component skills, eye movements, and fluency. Journal of Learning disabilities, 50 (2), 180-194. [pdf].
  • Colombo, M., Bucher, L. & Sprenger, J. (2017). Determinants of judgements of explanatory power: Credibility, generality, and statistical relevance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1430. [pdf]
  • Colombo, M., Bucher, L. & Sprenger, J. (2017). Determinants of judgements of explanatory power: Credibility, generality, and statistical relevance. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, D. Mirman, & J. C. Trueswell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1806-1811). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
  • Franke, N., Roelke, A., Radach, R. & Hofmann, M. J. (2017). After braking comes hasting: reversed effects of indirect associations in 2nd and 4th graders. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, D. Mirman, & J. C. Trueswell (Eds.). Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2025-2030). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
  • Gao, M., Li, L., Xiang, H., Sui, X. & Radach, R. (2017). Parafoveal preview benefits during silent and oral reading. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49, 1-13.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Biemann, C. & Remus, S. (2017). Benchmarking n-grams, topic models and recurrent neural networks by cloze completions, EEGs and eye movements. In B. Sharp, F. Sedes & W. Lubaszewski (Eds.), Cognitive Approach to Natural Language Processing. Amsterdam: ISTE Press - Elsevier. [pdf]
  • Kuhlmann, M., Hofmann, M. J. & Jacobs, A. M. (2017). If you don't have a valence, ask your neighbor: evaluation of neutral words as a function of affective semantic associates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 343. [pdf]
  • Mueller, C. J., Fritsch, N., Hofmann, M. J. & Kuchinke, L. (2017). Differences in the dynamics of affective and cognitive processing - an ERP study. Brain Research, 1655, 41-47.
  • Radach, R., Deubel, H., Vorstius, C. & Hofmann, M. J. (2017). Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Eye Movements. Special Issue. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 10 (6).
  • Spichtig, A., Pascoe, J., Ferrara, J. & Vorstius, C. (2017). A comparison of eye movement measures across reading efficiency quartile groups in elementary, middle, and high school students in the U.S. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 10 (4), 1-17. [pdf]



  • Jacobs, A., Hofmann, M. J. & Kinder, A. (2016). On elementary affective decisions: To like or not to like, that is the question. Frontiers in Psychology, 1836, 1-17. [pdf]
  • Radach, R. & Hofmann, M. (2016). Graphematische Verarbeitung beim Lesen von Wörtern. In U. Domahs, & B. Primus (Hrsg.). Handbuch Laut, Gebärde, Buchstabe (Band 2) (S. 455-473). Berlin: De Gruyter. [pdf]
  • Czechowicz, A., Zobel, F., Dültgen, P., Bucher, L. & Hofmann, M. (2016). Entwicklung von haptischen Informationselementen auf Basis von Formgedächtnislegierungen zur Unterstützung älterer Menschen. Proceedings of the 4Smarts, Darmstadt, 6.-7.4.2016. [pdf]
  • Filippi, P., Ocklenburg, S., Bowling, L., Heege, L., Güntürkün, O., Newen, A. & de Boer, B. (2017). More than words (and faces): Evidence for a Stroop effect of prosody in emotion word processing. Cognition and Emotion, 5, 897-891. [pdf]
  • Kuhlmann, M., Hofmann, M.J., Briesemeister, B.. & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Mixing positive and negative valence: Affective-semantic integration of bivalent words. Scientific Reports, 6, 30718. [pdf]
  • Stuellein, N., Radach, R. R., Jacobs, A. M. & Hofmann, M. J. (2016). No one way ticket from orthography to semantics in recognition memory: N400 AND P200 effects of associations. Brain Research, 1639, 88-98. [pdf]
  • Oganian Y., Froehlich E., Schlickeiser U., Hofmann M. J., Heekeren H. R. & Jacobs A. M. (2016). Slower perception followed by faster lexical decision in longer words: a diffusion model analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-12. [pdf]
  • Roschke, K. & Radach, R. (2016). Perception, Reading, and Digital Media. In: C. Connor (Ed.), The Cognitive Development of Reading and Reading Comprehension (pp. 33-52). London: Routledge. [pdf]
  • Spichtig, A., Hiebert, H., Vorstius, C., Pascoe, J., Pearson, P. & Radach, R. (in press). The Decline of Comprehension-Based Silent Reading Efficiency in the U.S.: A Comparison of Current Data with Performance in 1960. Reading Research Quarterly, 51, 239-259.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Fürth, S. (2016). Speed Reading - Die Vision vom schnellen Verstehen. OUTPUT. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, 15, 18-23. [pdf]



  • Ablinger, I., & Radach, R. (2015). Diverging receptive and expressive word processing mechanisms in a deep dyslexic reader. Neuropsychologia, 81, 12-21.
  • Biemann, C., Remus, S., & Hofmann, M. J. (2015). Predicting word ’predictability’ in cloze completion, electroencephalographic and eye movement data. In Proceedings of Natural Language Proceesing and Cognitive Science (pp. 83-93). Krakow, Poland, 22.-24.9.2015. [pdf]
  • Colombo, M., Bucher, L., & Inbar, Y. (2015). Explanatory Judgment and Moral Offense. An Empirical Study. Review of Philosophy and Psychology. [pdf]
  • Connor, C., Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Morrison, F., McLean, L., & Day, S. (2015). Individual differences in fifth-graders' literacy and academic language predicts comprehension monitoring development: An eye-movement study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 19, 114-134. [pdf]
  • Hofmann, M. J., & Kuchinke, L. (2015). “Anything is good that stimulates thought” in the hippocampus Comment on “The quartet theory of human emotions: An integrative and neurofunctional model” by S. Koelsch et al. Physics of Life Reviews, 13, 58-60. [pdf]
  • Jacobs, A. M., Vo, M. L., Briesemeister, B. B., Conrad, M., Hofmann, M. J., Kuchinke, L., Lüdtke, J., & Braun, M. (2015). 10 years of BAWLing into affective and aesthetic processes in reading: what are the echoes?. Frontiers in Psychology, 06 (714), 1-15. [link]
  • Nejasmic, J., Bucher, L., & Knauff, M. (2015). Grounded Spatial Belief Revision. Acta Psychologica, 157, 144-154.
  • Nejasmic, J., Bucher, L., & Knauff, M. (2015). The construction of spatial mental models – a new view on the continuity effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (9), 1794-1812.
  • Palma de Figueiredo, R. (2015). Pop-Out Effect of Negative Words in a Word-Grid Task? Journal of European Psychology Students, 6(1), 53–61.



  • Ablinger, I., van Heyden, K., Vorstius, C., Halm, K., Huber, W., & Radach, R. (2014). An eye movement based reading intervention in lexical and segmental readers with acquired dyslexia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24, 833-867.[pdf]
  • Ablinger, I., Huber, W., & Radach, R. (2014). Eye movement analyses indicate the underlying reading strategy in the recovery of lexical readers. Aphasiology, 28, 640-657. [pdf]
  • Autmaring, A., Willmes, K., Radach, R., Ablinger, I., Halm, K., & Huber, K. (2014). Validierung eines blickbasierten Diagnostikums für erworbene Dyslexien. Sprache Stimme Gehör 38 (S01), e9-e10.
  • Heege, L., & Newen, A. (2014): How important is having emotions for understanding others' emotions accurately?. Cognitive Processing, 15(1), 45.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Dambacher, M., Jacobs, A., Kliegl, R., Radach, R., Kuchinke, L., Plichta, M., Fallgatter, A., & Herrmann, M. (2014). Occipital and orbitofrontal hemodynamics during naturally paced reading: An fNIRS study. Neuroimage, 94, 193-202.[pdf]
  • Hofmann, M. J., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014).Interactive Activation and Competition Models and Semantic Context: From Behavioral to Brain Data. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 46, 58-104. [pdf]
  • Inhoff, A. W., & Radach, R. (2014). Parafoveal Preview Benefits during Silent and Oral Reading: Testing the Parafoveal Information Extraction Hypothesis.Visual Cognition, 22, 354-376.[pdf]
  • Silberling, V., Halm, K., Radach, R., Willmes, K., & Ablinger, I. (2014). Eye movement based evaluation of a text-level reading intervention. Stem- Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 19, 139-141
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R., & Lonigan, C. (2014). Eye Movements in Developing Readers: A comparison of silent and oral sentence reading. Visual Cognition, 22, 458-485. [pdf]
  • Westbury, C., Keith, J., Briesemeister, B. B., Hofmann, M. J., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Avoid violence, rioting, and outrage; approach celebration, delight, and strength: Using large text corpora to compute valence, arousal, and the basic emotions. The Quaterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology, 11, 1-24. [pdf]



  • Ablinger, I., Halm, K., Huber, W., & Radach, R. (2013). Eye movements tell us more about the underlying reading strategy in lexical readers. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 18, 52-54.
  • Ablinger, I., Huber, W., Schattka, K., & Radach, R. (2013). Recovery in a letter-by-letter reader: More efficiency at the expense of normal reading strategy. Neurocase. The Neural Basis of Cognition, 19, 236-255. [pdf]
  • Apel, K., Wilson-Fowler, E.B, Vorstius, C., & Radach, R. (2013). Children develop initial orthographic knowledge during storybook reading. Scientific Studies of Reading, 17, 286-302. [pdf]
  • Hillen, R., Günther, T., Kohlen, C., Eckers, C., van Ermingen-Marbach, M., Sass, K., Scharke, W., Vollmar, J., Radach, R., & Heim, S. (2013). Identifying brain systems for gaze orienting during reading: fMRI investigation of the Landolt paradigm. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 384. [pdf]
  • Jacobs, A., & Hofmann, M. J. (2013). Neurokognitive Modellierung. Enzyklopadie der Psychologie: Affektive und Kognitive Neurowissenschaft C/II/9, 431-444. [pdf]
  • Kuchinke, L., Fritzemeier, S., Hofmann, M. J., & Jacobs, A. (2013). Neural correlates of episodic memory: Associative memory and confidence drive hippocampus activations. Behavioural brain research, 254, 92-101. [pdf]
  • Radach, R., Günther, Th., & Huestegge, L. (2013). Leseentwicklung im Spannungsfeld von Praxis und Forschung. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 2 (1), 51-56. [pdf]
  • Radach, R., Inhoff, A. W., Glover, L., & Vorstius, C. (2013). Contextual constraint and N+2 preview effects in reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 619-633. [pdf]
  • Radach, R. & Kennedy, A. (2013). Eye movements in reading: Some theoretical context. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 429-452. [pdf]
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R., Mayer, M., & Lonigan, C. (2013). Monitoring local comprehension monitoring in sentence reading. School Psychology Review, 42, 191-206. [pdf]
  • Westbury, C., Shaoul, C., Hollis, G., Smithson, L., Briesemeister, B., Hofmann, M. J., & Jacobs, A. (2013) Now you see it, now you don't: on emotion, context, and the algorithmic prediction of human imageability judgments. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 991. [pdf]



  • Inhoff, A., Seymour, B., & Radach, R. (2012). Use of Color for Language Processing during Reading. Visual Cognition, 20, 1254-1265. [pdf]
  • Kim, Y. S., Radach, R., & Vorstius, C. (2012). Eye movements and parafoveal processing during reading in Korean. Reading & Writing. An interdisciplinary journal, 25, 1053-1078. [pdf]
  • Halm, K., Weisse, K., Radach, R, Huber, W., Schattka, K. I., &. Ablinger, I. (2012). Eye movement guided reading intervention and its impact on the eye-voice span in acquired dyslexia. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 17, 141-43.
  • Huestegge, L., & Radach, R. (2012). Visual and Memory Search in Complex Environments: Determinants of Eye Movements and Search Performance. Ergonomics, 55, 1009-1027. [pdf]
  • Radach, R., Günther, Th., & Huestegge, L. (2012). Blickbewegungen beim Lesen, Leseentwicklung und Legasthenie. Lernen und Lernstörungen,1(3), 185-204. [pdf]
  • Reilly, R., & Radach, R. (2012). The dynamics of reading in non-Roman writing systems. Reading & Writing. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25, 935-950. [pdf]
  • Tang, S., Reilly, R. & Vorstius, C. (2012). EyeMap: a software system for visualizing and analyzing eye movement data in reading. Behavior Research Methods, 44, 420–438.

  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R., & Lang, A. R. (2012) Effects of acute alcohol intoxication on automated processing. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26 (2), 262-272.
  • Yen, M.-H., Radach, R., Tzeng, O., & Tsai, J.-L. (2012). Usage of statistical cues for word boundary in reading Chinese sentences. Reading & Writing. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25, 1007-1025.[pdf]



  • Halm, K., Ablinger, I., Ullmann, A., Solomon, M., Radach, R., & Huber, W. (2011). What is the Eye Doing during Reading Aloud? Eye Voice Span in Aquired Dyslexia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 23, 243-244.
  • Inhoff, A. W., Solomon, M., Radach, R., & Seymour, B. (2011). Temporal dynamics of the eye voice span and eye movement control during oral reading. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 543-558. [pdf]
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., & Lang, A. R. (2011). Visual processing and eye movement control under the influence of alcohol. Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 9, 65-80.
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R., & Lang, A. R. (2011). Effects of acute alcohol intoxication on automated processing: evidence from the double-step paradigm. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26, 262-72. [pdf]



  • Ablinger, I., Schattka, K., Radach, R., & Huber, W. (2010). Recovery of a Letter-by-Letter Reader: Evidence from Eye Movement Analyses. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6, 160-161.

  • Huestegge, L., Kunert, H. J., & Radach, R. (2010). Long-term effects of cannabis on eye movement control in reading. Psychopharmacology, 209, 77-84. [pdf]

  • Schattka, K., Radach, R., & Huber, W. (2010). Eye movement correlates of acquired central dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2959-2973. [pdf]



  • Huestegge, L., Radach, R., Corbic, D., & Huestegge, S. M. (2009). Oculomotor and Linguistic Determinants of Reading Development: A Longitudinal Study. Vision Research, 49, 2948-2959. [pdf]
  • Huestegge, L., Radach, R., & Kunert, H.J. (2009). Long-term effects of cannabis on the oculomotor system in humans. Journal of Psycho-pharmacology, 23, 714-722. [pdf]
  • Lemhöfer, K., & Radach, R. (2009). Task context effects in bilingual nonword processing. Experimental Psychology, 56, 41-47. [pdf]
  • Radach, R., Schmitten, C., Glover, L., & Huestegge, L. (2009). How children read for comprehension: Eye movements in developing readers. In: R. K. Wagner, C. Schatschneider & C. Phythian-Sence (Eds.), Beyond decoding: The behavioral and biological foundations of reading comprehension (pp. 75-106). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Wang, C.-A., Inhoff, A. W., & Radach, R. (2009). Is Attention Confined to One Word at a Time? The Spatial Distribution of Parafoveal Preview Benefits during Reading. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71, 1487-1494. [pdf]
  • Winskel, H., Radach, R., & Luksaneeyanawin, S. (2009). Eye movements when reading spaced and unspaced Thai and English: A comparison of Thai-English bilinguals and English monolinguals. Journal of Memory and Language, 61, 339-351. [pdf]
  • Yen, M. H., Radach, R., Tzeng, O., Hung, D .L., & Tsai, J.-L. (2009). Early parafoveal processing in reading Chinese sentences. Acta Psychologica, 131, 24-33. [pdf]



  • Inhoff, A. W., Solomon, M., Seymour, B., & Radach, R. (2008). Eye position changes during reading fixations are spatially selective. Vision Research, 48, 1027-1039. [pdf]
  • Radach, R. (2008). Visual and cognitive determinants of reading development. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 541-541.
  • Radach, R., Huestegge, L., & Reilly, R. (2008). The role of global top-down factors in local eye movement control during reading. Psychological Research, 72, 675-688. [pdf]
  • Radach, R., Jacobs, A., & Müller, H. (2008). Explorations in the language of perception and the perception of language. Psychological Research, 72, 7-592.
  • Spitzer, K., Sawyer, K., Charness, N., Sachs-Ericsson, N., & Radach, R. (2008). Age effects on parafoveal processing in reading. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 64-76.
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R., Lang, A., & Riccardi, C. (2008). Specific visuomotor deficits due to alcohol intoxication: evidence from the pro- and antisaccade paradigms. Psychopharmacology, 196, 201-210. [pdf]
  • Wade, N. J., Ziefle, M., Radach, R., Jacobs, A. M. & Müller, H. J. (2008).The surface and deep structure of the waterfall illusion. Psychologische Forschung 72 (6), 593-600.


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